
Meet the people behind The Lacuna Works

The Lacuna Works was formed when Graham Guy and Ben slythe got together and decided they wanted to do creative things under a common banner.

They are still the driving force behind TLW, and you can find out more about them here.

Graham Guy

One of the two founder members of The Lacuna Works, Graham is involved in a wide range of creative and artistic areas. He is a photographer of events, landscapes, and nudes, and provides training; he writes books in both the crime and sci-fi genres; he makes films, long and short.

Graham is also currently involved in a project to write, develop, and produce a play based on a number of Shakespeare's works that will hopefully be produced as part of the 400th anniversary of the Bard's death.

Much of the equipment used by The Lacuna Works is currently provided by Graham's photography and video production business, and this has enabled us to undertake jobs that would otherwise be outside our capability.

Ben Slythe

Ben is a founder member of The Lacuna Works, and is involved in any number of creative projects at any given moment.

He has recently done a series of storytelling evenings in celebration of the signing of Magna Carta, has completed and published his first novel, "Soldier of the Republic", and is working on a project to incorporate a number of Shakespeare's works into a single play for the 400th anniversary of the Bard's death.

Among Ben's projects is a website and serties of lectures aimed at screenwriters and novellists, working through the three-act structure and how to apply it to scripts or stories.

Ben has also written, produced, and directed a number of short films, and has been involved in the production of the three feature films that The Lacuna Works has made. · EU Flag · ©2008-2021 The Lacuna Works
